This week, I had to 'teach' students how to apply bald caps ( which we had all made in class from scratch, using a magic liquid plastic called Glatzan )
I was dreading it as I have'nt fitted one for years - in fact I can't think that I've ever had to do a complete bald cap make up actually... anyway, as its the basis for many SFX make up effects.. especially aliens.. and hoping that my students will have more luck than me and actually get to work on Doctor Who or some Hollywood Sci Fi blockbuster, its an important skill for them to know.. and I dont think my efforts were too bad either ! Centre pic is my demo 'bal'head gal' Taryn, and there is a pic of the bald cap in its moulded and powdered state, ready to be fitted, and the end pic is two of my other star students..Sercan creating the ' slap head' effect on Stuart .. literally !
OMG that's so cool!